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A community of people seeking to encounter God and help others find soul healing

It is incredible how one small idea can grow into something truly special. La Mesa is rooted in the knowledge that we were made to live in community as we pruse God's greatest plans for our lives. At the table we experience laughter, sadness, joy, tears, nourishement and encourgement in the presence of friends and family. We want to be a place where our body, soul, and spirits  are filled and noursished so that we can be the people God desires us to be.  

Its our desire to help people discover the hope, freedom, and love of God that gives our life purpose and meaning.  This Love cannot and will not be found in religion and rules. It is experenced and discovered in God's Grace and Mercy as we come to Him on His terms and not in our own efforts. 

As a community we want to help care for people souls as we help one another find the soul healing that we sense and know we deeply need. The healing that touches the areas of our life that often we neglect or are afriad to open up.

We want to welcome open and honest conversation in this journey of life and want to encourge you to open your soul and look for the answers. 



Watching lives changed through encoutering God

We desire to be a Multicultural multi-generational Community of seekers of Jesus. We are seeking deeper connection with God.
We want deeper meaning to life beyond the temporal and material things of this world.
We are not a group of perfect people, but instead we desire to be a people who recognize our need and seek to find the beauty in and through our brokenness.

We want to help others experience and enjoy the radical and life changing love of Jesus, apart from religion and all the extras.

One thing we often say is “Less religion, More Jesus!”

We desire to love others and this community.
We desire to bless others and this community.
We desire to serve others and this community.
We desire to grow personally and help others grow.

Worship God Passionately. Love People Genuinely. 

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