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Gathering for seeking God
Encouraging one another
Praying together
Sundays 6:00pm
in Arroyomolinos
If you are interested in joining us, please contact us and we will send the address information.
We all have faith in something. We should not have a “Blind Faith” but instead a faith that gives answers in our search though life’s questions.
If God exist and if God created the world then we should be able to have answers for our questions about Faith, life, morality, science and the deep things of our soul. How can I find answers that don’t negate our human experience and leave us with a “Blind faith” but instead an evidential faith.
We would love to connect with you over coffee and talk more and help you find the answers to your questions. This conversation is best over coffee or a meal but if you’re interested in learning more and investigating more on your own here are some resources for you to look into.
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